The Kick-off Meeting of the Non-Profit Consultants’ Skills (NPCSkills) Project was held on March 18, 2024 in Rome. The KoM was not only a Working Meeting, but an opportunity for partners to get to know each other better, forge relationships and create synergies. During this meeting the project was presented, the partners introduced themselves to each other and defined their roles within the partnership in order to ensure the best management of the project, and there was a focus on communication and dissemination and stakeholder engagement. It was a day of precious collaboration spent together with the Lead Partner, EUconsult Italia, and the other project partners: SMe System Srl, Stpeuropa, Universe 8 Foundation and EUConsult. NPCSkills is a project co-funded by the European Union.

G.A. 2023-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000180662